campus Opinion

We Asked You: How do you feel about the election results?

By: ASHLEY COX Staff Writer “Because I am not big into politics, I feel that it was a positive election now that we have both parties representing in Congress and both voices can be heard,” freshman Tyler Welborn said.   “With this last election I feel that the results were positive because of the diversity: […]

campus Opinion

Salisbury’s Take: The battle has only just begun

By: STEPHEN M. SALISBURY Columnist Well, those pesky midterm elections are over. Thankfully, we’ll get a break from all of those negative campaign ads for a while. We can all go back to our normal lives and not have to worry about politics again for another two years at least. WRONG! In case you didn’t […]


Walorski wins 2nd District by 14%

By: CHRISTINA CLARK Editor-In-Chief Congresswoman Jackie Walorski wins Tuesday’s midterm election with 57% of the votes to continue representing Congressional District 2 in Indiana. With Democrat candidate Mel Hall taking 43% of the votes, it was not enough to overpower the incumbent’s status. Walorski celebrated at The Exchange in downtown South Bend, speaking with attendants […]


Minority clubs find comfort in unity

By: RYAN LOHMAN Editor in chief IU South Bend’s Black Student Union (BSU) usually meets on Wednesdays. But last Wednesday, the day the world woke up to the reality of a President Elect Donald Trump, the usual wasn’t going to be good enough. “At first, I wanted to cancel the meeting,” BSU President Caderia […]