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We Asked You: Reflecting back on your freshman year, what advice would you give incoming freshman?

“Don’t procrastinate!” said senior Allyse Walton.
“Don’t procrastinate!” said senior Allyse Walton.
“I have witnessed a lot of people take a ton of classes their first semester and do poorly. So you need to pace yourself. Don’t dive into it too far,” said sophomore Andrew Love. “Don’t overwhelm yourself, and set a regular study schedule by studying a little bit throughout the day.”
“Make friends that will help you study, and get their emails in case you must miss class so you can get their notes,” said sophomore Kelly DePriest.
“Always check your email, and use your syllabus. If you lose it, get another one,” said sophomore Matthew Schermerhorn. “Also use your time wisely, and avoid buying food by packing your own lunch.”
“I relied a lot on my parents and friends. So I would say moral support is really important,” said senior Max Pollock. “Seek help if you need it, and [don’t be] afraid to ask for it if you need it.”
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