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Farewell, IU South Bend

12107060_10153708829429810_1782426818496506226_nBy: MICHAEL STASZEWSKI
Advertising Manager

Selling print ads isn’t as easy as it used to be.

Everyone knows this—it’s a dying medium. With this said, I was still able to sell more than $15,000 in ads over a quick three semester period.

Part of that money also includes banner ads on Gary Vaynerchuk (look him up) can tell you NO ONE clicks on banner ads! So I was forced to sell two extremely difficult media. And it was awesome!

This job challenged me and pushed me so hard, I feel I can walk into any interview with all the confidence in the world. As the sole man in this department, I was more than just the sales guy—I was collections, too. Going into businesses and asking for money they owed me was scary at times, but mostly fun. I no longer had to pretend to be nice to get their money; I could be assertive, stern and sometimes flat-out mean to get my money.

I have learned that there are a lot of people who try to trick you and lie to you, and you need to be on your toes at all times.

Thanks to Ryan, Jordan, Keri, Traci, Leslie, Ken and Celia for the great times in the office and the opportunity to work with some great people.

This semester I was active in the Advertising and Marketing Clubs. Every student involved with this group; Paige, Holly, Javier, Lindsey, Ed, Scott, James, every Zack and many more have all been great to me, and I have really enjoyed spending time with them. Working on the epic Taping Fundraiser of Professor Pant will be a memory of mine for the rest of my life. Also, playing racket ball, going to the Bucket, and doing things with no relation to school are times I will relish and hope to continue with some of you.

Before the Preface there was the Center for a Sustainable Future. Mike, Krista, Michaela, Ian, Angela, Trish and John were all great teammates and were the first group to give me a campus job. Dr. Mike Keen has been a big support and has helped me develop into a great leader and an even better person.

I enjoyed taking the lead on the campus garden a couple summers ago—even though I planted way too much way too close and basically killed half of the crop. It was a growing experience for me, and the things I learned that summer will be able to go with me where ever I end up next.

Newsflash: Everyone is busy! This term I took 18 credit hours, worked, volunteering for my community, and kept a girlfriend happy (most of the time)—all while keeping about a 3.3 GPA for five years. We’re all busy and we all have the same 24 hours in a day. Review everything in your life and start managing time better.

Thanks to The Preface for giving me this opportunity. Thanks to all of my IUSB friends for the memories.

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