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Chrissy Bohlmann’s self-introduction as a staff member


Staff Writer

Hey, everyone! I’m Chrissy, and this is my first year writing with The Preface! I plan to be writing with The Preface for quite a few more years to come.

I’m 19, majoring in mass communications and pondering a minor in either new media or creative writing. I am seriously considering many classes in both, since new media will help me in the journalism field and creative writing is my passion!

Between class time and homework, I absolutely love to write! I write anything, from short stories, long stories, fiction, poems and really bad songs to, now, articles. I also love to read. For me, the two usually go hand-in-hand. My reading includes historical fiction, biographies, classic poetry, fairy tales and informative books regarding Rome, piracy and the Middle Ages.

My other hobbies are sketching, singing and dancing. I love dancing so much that I’ve taken 11 years of it with my best friend and sister, Michelle Bohlmann.I am currently taking a ballet class with her at IU South Bend. You will also be able to catch me at every school dance.

You may recognize me from Granger Community Church where I attend services or Martin’s Supermarket where I am currently working to earn school money. Work takes up a large portion of my summer. During the rest of summer I love enjoying bonfires, beach days, parties, movies and being with friends and family.

After graduation or soon before, I plan to acquire a job writing for a newspaper, and continue to work even more to put myself through graduate school. I hope to get a master’s degree in mass communications and live close to family. Then at some point in my life, I will write a few books – possibly fiction, historical fiction or children’s books.

I look forward to writing more articles for you to enjoy!

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